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Welcome to the NGC7000 North American Nebula portal.

This is the evoulution of my imaging of The North American nebula. NGC7000 is located approximately 2,200 light years from earth in the constellation of Cygnus close to the star Deneb. It's Its name comes from its shape resembling the North American continent. The gulf of Mexico and Baja penninsula are prominent. Its red illuminatiion is caused by the glowing hydrogen gas . Due to its massive size of 50 light years across, individual photos and mosaics must be taken to show it. Again, the thumbnails open up different pictures.

Missing MiddleNGC7000 7/20/2020
Missing upperNGC7000 6/4/2023
Missing BottomNGC7000 4_19_2024

Missing VeilNGC7000 5/12/2024 mosaic of 2 photos