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Pluto Imaged from my backyard

I never thought I would be able to image the planet (Yes Planet!) Pluto due to its small size and dimension. Its is approximately 1,476 miles or 2,376 Km in diameter, 3.1 billion miles from earth, and only a magnitude 14.2.(Larger the number, dimmer the object.) For comparison, Mars' diameter is appoximately 2,106 miles or 3389 Km, 129.68 million miles from earth, and is a magnitude -2. I used the annotation feature in PixInsight to identify Pluto in the photograph. Much easier than taking pictures over several nights and trying to see which object moved in a 20 megapixel image.

Pluto is named after the Greek god (with a little g) of the underworld. It was discovered in 1930 after Percival Lowell noted deviations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune in 1905. In 1915 he predicted the location and in 1930 it was discovered by the Lowell Observatory. Pluto's orbit is such that it sometimes passes closer to the sun than Neptune. Since its discovery in 1930 Pluto has only completed about one third of its orbit as its orbital period is 247 earth years. Its day is a little over 6 earth days. (Yes, Pluto is still a planet.) Due to Pluto's small size and dimness I thought I would probably never have a picture of mine posted here. I am joyfully wrong.