Sammy Intl. Airlines.

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Welcome to the Planets portal.

Here you will find photos we have taken of the different planets. Click on a photo to go to a planet page in a new tab.

Neptune is very fait and indistinct. When I zoomed in on it I could see part of it is brighter and yellowish (facing the sun?) than the other. The rest of the stars in the image are white and round so I am presuming this is Neptune. It is the dot in the center of the photo. Hopefully I'll get a better picture next spring.   

Missing Mercury photoMercury daytime photo taken at about noon.
Missing Venus photoVenus at half phase.
Missing Earth photoEarth
Missing Mars photoMars

Missing Jupiter photoJupiter with Io transit and Ganymede
Missing Saturn photoSaturn
Missing Uranus photoUranus
Missing Neptune photoNeptune

Missing Pluto photoPluto